Pricing and Booking

Important information

Availability is not always guaranteed. We apologize and will get back to you right away if your princess is not available at the time of your party.

Party must be booked and details finished 72 hours in advance

Special requests may be made, however there may be extra costs depending on the difficulty of the request. Requests may be denied if they are too difficult to complete. 

We would prefer that the party takes place inside, and please let us know if the party takes place outside, and be courteous of your princess providing shade and water. Princess will not attend outdoor parties in the event of rain or heavy snow.

The princess will not be responsible for looking after your children

Important note- Princess Lottie, our main performer, is highly allergic to peanuts. If you intend to serve peanuts or peanut butter at your party, we will not be able to perform. We apologize if this causes an inconvenience. 

Booking for Events

Princess Lottie also does events! At community events, she will walk around, take pictures, interact with children, and hand out signatures for $25 an hour ($45 for sisters). At private events, she will read a story and sing a corresponding song with the princess of your choice as well as everything mentioned above for $90 an hour ($120 for sisters)

This package includes:

This package includes:

This package includes:

This package includes: